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This 156 image collection of 10 calendars from 2010 to 2019 encompasses a select group of the best work of Rickey Martins over 50 years! Only 50 of these will be made. The incomparable collection box set comes in 4 colors; with or without 3D printed graphical frame on side. Also there is ample room for 18 years so you can add to your collect in this kit for another 9 years!!!! And you just know that Rickey Martins will continue to excite you with his unique compositions and illustrative techniques. This collection includes many theme calendars like, the PROTON Car, Cars of the World, and Cars that famous artists would have created; like Dali and Escher!!! And do not forget the 1950s, 40s and 30s respectfully illustraded as the designers would have with the same tools and paper from those periods. If you know someone that is a future designer or artist this is the collection to show them dirction and help them. The artist Rickey Martins has taught design delineation for 31 years at college level and has a reputation of being very inspiring to the young visionaries. So give this to your husband, father, son, uncle, nephew or you loving auto mechanic you may know. if you want this image on anything in the vistaprint library just ask Rickey at 201 317 9769

Car Art Calendars 10 year box set

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