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Designed by Albrecht Geortz this ground breaking styling exercise won numerous awards. Here you have a 18 x 24 example of automotive concept rendering cerca 1970 on orange Canson paper. Hand performed along with Charpak AD markers, Prismacolor pencils, pastels and guoache for highlights. purchase this fine example knowing it will be worth twice as much in 10 years. Automotive hand concept renderings are few and far in between since the new millenium. Mr Rickey Martins, was taught by Mr Bruce Bolinger the GM designer of the Cheverlet NOMAD Wagon concept. and a grauate of the famous Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY in 1979. Coupled with 3 decades teaching this exact Design Delineation technique we are discussing here and now; at the famous New Jersey KEAN University Industrail Design Dept!

1973 Datsun 240Z

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